How to Build a Touch Screen?

How to Build a Touch Screen?

How to build a touch screen

Touch screen gestures are the latest and greatest way to interact with your computer or other technical devices. You can easily convert your mobile phone or computer to the touch screen gesture. This will be easier to use and very flexible to the user. However, commercial systems and features are not widely available and are more expensive and cost-effective. So that you can make it yourself better and for less cost, this will be helpful for your lifetime. You can also create a multi-touch surface. A Multi-Touch surface is essentially a giant touch screen that can process multiple touches at once, a virtually unlimited amount of touches.

What is a Multi-Touch Surface

By allowing multiple touches, gestures can be performed on the surface. These gestures are typically simple things like pinching and pulling on an image to zoom in and out. By supporting gestures like these interfacing with a computer becomes much more intuitive and fun. In a public place or any technical debate, a Multi-Touch surface can be a real attention grabber, because they are a more flexible unknown feature for some people. Multi-touch gestures are the latest and very effective way to interact with your computer or mobile phones. This feature will have plenty of benefits you want to know the benefits go to this article for more. 

What is a Multi-Touch Surface?

A Multi-Touch surface is essentially a giant touch screen that can process multiple touches at once, a virtually unlimited amount of touches. By allowing multiple touches, gestures can be performed on the surface. These gestures are typically simple things like pinching and pulling on an image to zoom in and out. By supporting gestures like these interfacing with a computer becomes much more intuitive and fun.

How Does It Work?

There are a variety of different technologies that can be used to create a Multi-Touch surface. All or most surfaces rely on optical-based technologies that work using infrared light. The technology used in this guide is direct surface illumination and is explained by the comic below. The basis for using DSI over other similar technologies is that it allows for a protective abrasion-resistant layer to be on top, protecting the delicate under layers from the user’s touches. The order of acrylic layers on the surface such as the Touch surface is also called Abrasion-resistant acrylic, Diffuser, or Projection layer also called Rear projection acrylic, and End Lighten acrylic.

Is Build a Computer Necessary For a Touch Screen?

Is Build a Computer Necessary For a Touch Screen

You do not need to build a computer specifically for this project. If you recent computer with a decent processor and graphics card super feature for this touch screen. Another important factor is the size of the computer, since you want to make sure the computer does not interfere with the camera or projection systems. The next step is modifying the Camera, which is flexible for the touch screen. To pick up infrared light, the Eye camera will need to be opened up and modified. Eye camera is used since it is cheap and supports a high resolution. This speed and resolution are important aspects of the perfect work of a multi-touch surface.