What to Look for When Choosing a Fitness Tracker

What to Look for When Choosing a Fitness Tracker

What to Look for When Choosing a Fitness Tracker

The world is becoming more and more obsessed with health and fitness. People are running marathons, competing in weightlifting competitions, doing yoga in the park and working with trainers to get into shape. With all this excitement about physical fitness, it’s difficult to choose which fitness tracker you want to purchase. There are a few factors you should take into consideration when choosing your new fitness accessory.

Consider the fitness tracker battery life

In order to get the most out of your fitness tracker, you need to wear it as much as possible. You don’t want it to run out of battery and have to charge it in the middle of a workout. It’s important to consider the battery life when choosing which fitness tracker is best for you.

Consider what activities you do

Consider what activities you do

If you’re planning to run your first marathon, you’ll need a fitness tracker that can withstand rain and mud. For those of us who want to practice yoga, we want something that won’t interfere with our poses. Think about what activities you take part in before choosing which fitness tracker will work best for you. It’s important to make the right choice so you don’t end up returning it because it doesn’t track what you need it to.

How much money you’d like to spend?

Fitness trackers range from $50-$200 on average depending on the model and brand name. If price is an issue or if money isn’t an object when purchasing a new accessory, there are many companies selling them online. However, there are many cheap knockoffs available that look like the popular brands. Their price tags maybe half of what a name brand model costs but they will not last as long or give you the same quality as a more expensive one would. Take your time in researching which fitness tracker is worth your money.

How often you plan to use it?

If you’re going to take part in triathlons every weekend and run marathons for fun, then I’d recommend purchasing a fitness tracker that includes GPS technology so you can map out your routes and monitor your pace during training sessions. If running isn’t something you do often, then spending $200 on GPS tracking isn’t necessary. You’ll want to choose an activity tracker that will sync with your smartphone and provide you with valuable data regarding your sleep habits, heart rate and other characteristics.

How often you want to check the data?

How often you want to check the data?

While some people like receiving notifications of their progress every few hours, others find it distracting and unneeded. It’s important to consider if a fitness tracker will serve as a motivator or a distraction when choosing which one is best for you.

What size fits your wrist best? Finally, if my clothing doesn’t fit properly, then I’ll feel bad about myself no matter how many compliments I get on its style. The same thing applies to fitness trackers: if they don’t fit right or are uncomfortable to wear then it won’t be long before you’re tossing it in the trash. Before you purchase one, try on a few different brands to make sure they are comfortable and provide you with the information you need without being distracting or uncomfortable.